Archival giclée prints by TANZIL RAHBER

Crafted using a unique AI model trained on the artist's own drawings and paintings. These high quality prints in editions of one represent the pinnacle of digital printmaking.

About the prints

Each print is a unique piece created with a blend of AI tools, including a proprietary model (SD2.1-768 ckpt) trained on the artist's own drawings and paintings. After generation and a selective curation process, the artworks are refined with AI upscalers and raster graphics editors. Finally, they are transformed into high-quality giclée prints by a Hahnemühle Certified Studio, using fade-resistant archival ink on Hahnemühle paper, engineered to last more than 100 years.

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" is a seminal essay by German philosopher and cultural critic Walter Benjamin, first published in 1936. The essay explores the impact of mechanical reproduction on art, arguing that it has fundamentally changed the nature of art and the way we experience it. We believe the essay is more relevant than ever.